GIS for property research
GIS definitions
What is GIS used for?
John Snow cholera map, 1854.
John Snow cholera map, overlaid by a modern-day GIS heatmap layer.
GIS data layers
GIS data layers diagram.
OldNYC: Mapping Historic Photographs at the NYPL.
Property research with GIS
Belle’s house in college.
City of Boston Archives Reading Room.
19th century insurance atlas, open to a plate of downtown Boston.
Atlas viewer, Atlascope, a GIS tool from the Boston Public Library.
Microfilm reader.
Milwaukee probate records on mircofilm.
Probate record loaded onto the microfilm reader.
Text from one of the Milwaukee probate records.
Modern-day parcels in Milwaukee.
GIS support from the library
A student in the social sciences studying race and policy who had never used GIS before learned how to create demographic maps at the library.
Non-GIS map for an English class a student consulted us on.
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